
Covid-19 Profiteers

This is despicable.

If you are working for a medical staffing firm that does this; there is a high demand for your skills, go work for another staffing firm that does not do this.

Regardless of whether or not you work for a staffing firm, we should all contact our congressmen and demand that firms that are engaging in this type of behavior should be sanctioned.

At a minimum they should not receive any more stimulus funds. We should claw back any funds that they have received, this can be accomplished with a tax surcharge.

I really think this should be criminal. We should jail the CEO of any company that does this (specifically, any company that tries to reduce employee compensation or benefits) should be imprisoned for a minimum of 5 years (not subject to any form of early release).

I know that there will be resistance from our congressmen to doing this. That is why I implore you to call your congressmen and insist that companies who do this be sanctioned.

I know that many of you think that calling congressmen is futile. Please understand that calls to congressmen are akin to water torture. Enough drops and you get compliance.our congressman.

If you don't know who your congressman is, you can find out here

So go be a drop and call your congressman

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